Our sponsorship packages offer exceptional value and opportunity.
Check out our sponsorship packages to see the opportunities we offer.
For more information about the Official Sponsor or Sponsorship opportunity please contact Us.

For more information about Advertising in Exhibition Catalogue please contact info@nilefairs.com

Main Sponsor
Nile Trade Fairs cordially invites your esteemed company to take part of the highest participation level in Paper Middle East  as a MAIN SPONSOR that will offer your esteemed company many exclusive privileges that will not be available for any other exhibitor, as demonstrated below:


  1. Placing Name and Logo of the Main Sponsor in all the Press Advertising Campaign in both local and international magazines and newspapers.
  2. Placing Name and Logo of the Main Sponsor in all the Outdoor Ads in both the Industrial & Commercial Zones.
  3. Placing Name and Logo as a Main sponsor on all Common and VIP invitations.
  4. Posting the Main Sponsor’s Logo on our exhibition’s homepage www.papermideast.com linked to the official website of the sponsor’s company.
  5. The Sponsor will be authorized to promote his sponsorship for the exhibition in all newspapers and magazines as a part of the Main Sponsor’s Marketing Campaign.
  6. Placing Name of the Main Sponsor in all our correspondence before and throughout the proceedings of the exhibition.
  7. Placing Name of the Main Sponsor in all newsletters or articles sent to the largest database for Paper, Board, Tissue and Packaging Companies all over the world in addition to importers from Middle East and Africa.
  8. Providing special discount on Ads printed in “Al-Ahram” Paper in the page covering the proceedings of the exhibition on the opening date.
  9. Displaying Name and Logo of the Main Sponsor on a 1X2m banner placed at the main entrance of the exhibition’s hall.
  10. Displaying Name and Logo of the Main Sponsor on the exhibition’s banner on the main gate of Egypt International Expo Centre (EIEC)
  11. Placing Name and Logo of the Main sponsor in the inside front cover page of the official catalogue.
  12. Main Sponsor will get a full colored inside page in the official catalogue.
  13. Main Sponsor will get one full inside page in the official catalogue including the following information about the Sponsor:
    • Sponsor’s company name & logo
    • Sponsor’s company activities & products
    • Sponsor’s company achievements
  14. The chairman of the Sponsor company will have one full inside page in the official catalogue to write his message for all visitors & exhibitors including a photo 4X6cm for his Excellency.
  15. Placing Main Sponsor’s logo as a Main sponsor in a Hang Up banner in the exhibition hall.
  16. 150 VIP Invitations for the Main Sponsor company.
  17. Displaying and distributing Main Sponsor’s brochures or flyers at the registration counters for visitors of the exhibition.
  18. The chairman of the Main Sponsor company will be interviewed in a video reportage in the official exhibition video film.
  19. Placing the Main Sponsor’s Logo on visitor lanyard which will call attention to your company and drive high volumes of exhibit traffic to your booth.
  20. An honorary reward will be granted to the Main Sponsor.
  21. Displaying Name and Logo in addition to the achievements and news of the Sponsor Company on our exhibition’s homepage till our next edition.
Official Sponsor
Nile Trade Fairs cordially invites your esteemed company to take part of the highest participation level in Paper Middle East  as an OFFICIAL SPONSOR that will offer your esteemed company many exclusive privileges that will not be available for any other exhibitor, as demonstrated below:


  1. Placing Name and Logo of the Official Sponsor in the local Press Advertising Campaign “Newspapers”.
  2. Placing Name and Logo of the Official Sponsor in all the Outdoor Ads in both the Industrial & Commercial Zones.
  3. Placing Name and Logo as an Official Sponsor on all Common invitations.
  4. The Sponsor will be authorized to promote his sponsorship for the exhibition in all newspapers and magazines as a part of the Official Sponsor’s Marketing Campaign.
  5. Providing special discount on Ads printed in “Al-Ahram” Paper in the page covering the proceedings of the exhibition on the opening date.
  6. Displaying Name and Logo of the Official Sponsor on the exhibition’s banner on the main gate of Egypt International Expo Centre (EIEC)
  7. Displaying Name and Logo, activities, products and achievements of the Sponsor Company in the official catalogue.
  8. Official Sponsor will get a full colored inside page in the official catalogue.
  9. 50 VIP Invitations for the Official Sponsor Company.
  10. The chairman of the Official Sponsor Company will be interviewed in a video reportage in the official exhibition video film.